How to Avoid an Orange Spray Tan

Spray tanning has become a popular method for achieving a golden glow without the harmful effects of UV rays from the sun or tanning beds. 

But, the worry about turning an unfortunate shade of orange can prevent a lot of people from trying one. Getting to know how spray tanning, undertones and quality ingredients work while prepping the right way, can really help you achieve that gorgeous, natural tan you're after.

Understanding Spray Tans

Spray tanning involves applying a fine mist to the body, which contains a natural ingredient called dihydroxyacetone (DHA) that reacts with the skin's surface layer to darken it temporarily. 

An orange hue can result from improper application, the wrong solution shade/undertone, or lack of skin preparation.

Preparation Before Spray Tanning

Preparing your skin is crucial for a flawless tan. Exfoliating to remove dead skin cells and avoiding lotions, perfumes, or deodorants that can create barriers for the tanning solution ensures better absorption and a more even tan.

Choosing the Right Tan Solution

Selecting the correct shade and quality of tanning solution is vital. High-quality solutions with natural ingredients are less likely to turn orange. A professional can help you choose the best shade and undertone for your skin tone.

Choosing the Right Tan Solution with BlushTan San Diego

Selecting the perfect shade and quality of tanning solution is crucial for achieving a naturally bronzed look without the dreaded orange tint. High-quality solutions, especially those with natural ingredients, significantly reduce the risk of an unnatural orange outcome

At BlushTan San Diego, professionals are on hand to guide you through their wide range of tanning solutions, ensuring you find the best match for your skin tone. Their expertise and premium products make it easier to achieve the flawless tan you desire, highlighting the importance of professional assistance in choosing the right spray tanning solution.

The Application Process

Whether you opt for a professional service or an at home application, applying the solution evenly is key to avoiding an orange tint. Techniques like using a tanning mitt and position yourself in the right positions can make a significant difference (think hands, feet and wrists).

Aftercare for Your Spray Tan

Proper aftercare is essential for maintaining your spray tan’s results. Moisturizing regularly and avoiding activities that cause excessive sweating or exposure to water in the first few hours can prolong the life of your tan. If using a tan extending lotion, be sure to use a professional self tanner, as a store bought one may draw an orange hue to your beautiful spray tan.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter streaks, patches, or an orange hue, there are ways to correct these issues. Gentle exfoliation and applying a tan corrector can help even out an uneven tan.

Professional Tips

Tanning experts often recommend a patch test before a full application, especially for those new to spray tanning or with sensitive skin. This can prevent unwanted results and ensure compatibility with the tanning solution.

Alternatives to Spray Tanning

For those hesitant to try spray tanning, other options like natural sun tanning with proper UV protection or using gradual tanning lotions can offer a safer alternative to achieving a sun-kissed glow.

Achieving a natural-looking tan without the dreaded orange hue is possible with the right preparation, application, and aftercare. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a beautiful tan all year round.

Got Questions? We've Got the Answers! 

Swing by our airbrush spray tanning FAQ page for an all-you-need-to-know guide on airbrush spray tanning. We cover everything from safety concerns to how long your tan will last, and much more!

After reading up on all these great tips to avoid that dreaded orange look from an airbrush tan, are you ready to try out a stunning, organic-based airbrush spray tan for yourself? BlushTan San Diego is your go-to spot in San Diego for that perfect spray tan!

Check out our salons at three convenient locations:

Get that perfect sun-kissed look at our top-notch salons in Bankers Hill, Encinitas, and La Jolla.

Book your appointment with BlushTan San Diego now!– real people. real ingredients. fake tans. your perfect tan is just an appointment away!

Jen Ruhman - Valenzuela